Wondering where e4 Environmental undertaken asbestos removal works in the United Kingdom? We actually complete jobs all over the UK and have been known to fly oversees for our clients to remove asbestos.
Whether you are in the far North of Scotland, on the Isle of Man, in the South of Cornwall, in London, or anywhere in between, we will happily take jobs on anywhere! We have a team of staff who are regularly working away dependent upon where our clients needs are based. We also undertake smaller works such as small pick-ups of asbestos corrugated garage roofs, asbestos debris and fly-tipped waste. Our larger jobs are described further in our ‘Services’ section.
Our Contracts Managers are always on board for a meeting on site to discuss the potential removal and plan the method statement for any upcoming works.
Where are you based?
We are based in Sheffield, with our Head Office here and our store yard also, but we are able to travel to anywhere for all types of removal procedures.